There is a transcendent awareness, a Big Mind, A Big Heart, present and readily accessible to each and every one of us...
Saratoga Springs Retreat Center is pleased to be offering the following events and retreats:
April 18-20, 2025
For more than a decade, Saratoga Springs has supported Gregg Cassin in hosting this vitally important and transformational retreat for people impacted by the epidemic of HIV. From those who have carried the virus for decades to those recently seroconverting to those who have held and supported this dynamic and unique community, we come together to gain strength and heal. Click here to learn more.
Walking the Labyrinth: A labyrinth provides the walker with an opportunity to connect to the wholeness of being and to experience spiritual and intuitive renewal. As a meditation, the circuitous path becomes a metaphor for our lives and in walking it, be find resources within ourselves that we may not be aware of. For guidelines on how to walk the labyrinth please contact the office.
Hike to the Mineral Springs: Take a self guided hike
to the origin of the mineral springs renowned for is healing water or
sign up for a guided tour where your guide will teach you about the
ancient site and the many different healing waters coming from the
springs and how they were used.
Contact the office for hiking maps or to schedule a guided tour.